Friday, December 19, 2008


So I found out that commercial planes are not at all as exciting as I had imagined them to be... aka, I expected more fun little nose dives and stuff :) ...I guess I've just been in too many little planes with crazy pilots xD

We did get some nice little individual TV screens on the first plane from Calgary to San Francisco (San Fran is an unfriendly place. At least, that's what I gathered from all the nasty looks and terrorist warnings over the intercom), and then we were off on a Boeing 747 for a 14 hour trip across the Pacific ocean... 14 hours is a stinking long time, folks. Especially if your only sleeping option is vertical. Ahh well... it was a pretty view:

Awesome, no? Anyway, we landed in Sydney and the security guards at the airport did a one eighty compared to the security in the USA... The Australian security people were joking around with us and basically just lounging against their desks like, "Yeah, yeah, that's a pretty passport. Next!"

And then we got outside... and saw the SUN!!! WOOT!! It was so hot out that for the first time in months a sweater felt uncomfortably warm and the sidewalk was shimmering. *happy* ...And it also smells way better in Australia. No offense to Canada, but it smells... pretty. Like trees and warmth and stuff like that. Plus it's humid and there's no biting cold... anyway. Enough words. You need a picture to see what I mean, no?

Admit it. You're jealous.

Hmm... I could write way more, and post about a thousand pictures, but I think for now I'm just going to go outside. Ciao!


WAIT! Just kidding! One more thing: Here's a picture of me stalking an emu. Thought it would amuse. I named him Jimmy (Him? Her? Still don't know.) Okay. Now I'm done.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting Right My Grammar:

One day I awoke to find a big, messy thing sitting in the middle of my room, which introduced itself (very politely) like this:

“Hello. I am your Grammar and Spelling. I was just about to leave; however, I see that you are awake now, and so I thought it only proper to let you give me a good send-off before my departure.”

To which I yelled in horror, “No! No! Wait! Don’t go!” but the mess just chuckled,

“And why ever not? You haven’t used me in… oh, how long has it been? No, I am sorry; it is clearly long past due that I left. I can see that I am no longer needed here.”

It’s been a whole month since that chat, and I am happy to say that I managed to convince my Grammar to stay just a bit longer. You see, we made a deal: if I set up a blog, and wrote in it every once in a while and also promised to participate in National Novel Writing Month (the month of November for those who don’t know; it’s also referred to as ‘NaNoWriMo’) and I started on that novel I’ve let rot on the back burner for years, my Grammar would stay, and he’d even send a letter to my Spelling to see if she’d come back and give me another chance.

Spelling got the letter, but she’s only sent in half of herself for now, claiming she’s only here for a ‘test run,’ and if she still doesn’t like me she’ll be leaving permanently. Eager as I am to make a good impression, here I am.

…And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This Is the First Post

This is a post for you Hawley... don't ask me; it's all Sera's fault. Love you!