Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis Review

You should probably read the previous six books first before embarking on the last book in the Narnia series, but The Last Battle is still a phenomenal book written by an influential and inspired man. Lewis doesn’t shy away from stating his (rather bold) opinions, or even from revealing his view of what life after death might be like, a question that has been pondered for centuries. I found it refreshing to meet an author who gave a definitive answer about how he sees the after-world, rather than letting readers go on believing whatever they believed before having read the book, and never-almost-quite stating his real stand on the issue. The world of Narnia is a richly described place, with lush natural land that has inspired many artists. The characters in Narnia are mild, gentle creatures (even the evil characters aren’t particularly ‘wicked’ per se) and The Last Battle leaves off with a clean, satisfied finish. One aspect Lewis never really embellishes on is his characters; they are all quite uniformly the same, with few distinguishing personality traits. There is, however, character development and an emotional attachment to them. All this considered, I still have to give The Last Battle a full four stars for sheer brilliancy and an incredible ending to this fantastic series. Four stars ****

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