Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Review Time!

Writing is boring when it lacks purpose, so I'm changing this blog into a book/movie review blog! For now I'll just add some older book reviews I've been accumulating since grade nine, and when I have the time or interest, I'll post reviews on books/movies/anything I feel like! Huzzah!


Hawley said...

Awesome. A girl who reads in bulk ought to provide online guidance for those who are casting about for their next great read. Congratulations on your decision to step into the breach! Your blog is my new favourite already.

Your summer is just beginning and you need fuel for the book worming flame, do you not? Permit me to make a recommendation: the Mistborn Trilogy (Sanderson) is spectacular. It'll take at least a week of your life (those books are fat!) but it's good enough that you won't care about surfacing until its over anyway. And - and - it won't be what you expect, because this is definitely not stock fantasy fiction. Prepare to be surprised and amazed.

Ignominion said...

*gaspage*--Amber's writing! Unbearably exciting, this. Excuse me whilst I hyperventilate elsewhere.